Single-Tooth Implant by Saluss Medical Group in Antalya, Turkey

Single-tooth Implant by Saluss Medical Group in Antalya, Turkey

Single-Tooth Implant by Saluss Medical Group in Antalya, Turkey

Are you experiencing single missing tooth? Try single-tooth implant for the best solution to single-missing tooth with a natural appearance. The dentist makes an opening in the jawbone of the patient followed by surgically placing an implant. The implant functions as the root and a separate dental crown or cap is placed over it to fill the space left in the mouth by the missing tooth.

Bone augmentation or grafting is often done to properly create the space. The jawline should have enough space for the single-tooth implant to be fixed properly. Healthy gum and jawline supports the single-tooth implant and gives a natural look.

Saluss Medical Group in Antalya, Turkey provides excellent dental care services maintaining hygiene and affordability. They are now offering the best Single-tooth Implant package by highly qualified and experienced dentists. Saluss assures you the best facilities and technologies available for this treatment.

Advantages of Single-tooth Implant in Antalya, Turkey

  • Single implants are easier to keep clean
  • Single-implants are able to be placed without affecting the neighboring teeth
  • Single-implant integrates with the rest of the jawbone, and thus, it remains intact, well-supported, and healthy
  • The single-dental implant offers the benefit of maintaining the integrity of the dental and jaw structure
  • With single-dental implants, the surrounding gums do not recede or expose the metal base or collar
  • It restores better-than-ever smile with no effect on any of the other teeth
  • Natural appearance
  • Best dental correction to a single lost tooth
  • As the single-dental implant replaces the root of the tooth, the underlying bone is preserved better
  • It provides a better overall appearance than a bridge
  • Affordable price
  • Best dental surgeons in Antalya, Turkey

Complexity Level: Low

Single-tooth Implant by Saluss Medical Group in Antalya, Turkey Price

Cost: The cost of Single-tooth implant at Saluss Medical Group in Antalya, Turkey is $380.

Length to Stay: Treatment duration is 1 hour. Stay at the hospital is not required. However, you need 5 days stay in Turkey.

Note: The duration may vary depending upon the condition of patient and the chosen procedure of treatment


  • Regular controls after procedure
  • First medications
  • Lifelong warranty


  • Preoperative lab work
  • Airfare

List of Required Pre-Op Tests

  • Dental X-rays and 3D imaging
  • Ascertain heart conditions or orthopedic implants
  • Complete blood count
  • Common urine analysis
  • Blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, AIDS, blood group, hormone levels for women, clotting, and Rh factor
  • Eliminate the presence of osteoporosis and other metabolic diseases

Note: The laboratory tests are done at least 7-10 days prior to the procedure. The particular tests are prescribed after a complete physical evaluation of the patient.

Why Choose Saluss Medical Group?

Saluss provide end-to-end support, best treatment plan, best doctors, and best ambiance for the treatment. It also offers comprehensive holiday packages with medical solutions for the patients to enjoy their holiday while they get treated

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Placid Arabic